Yesterday, Sharon and Trevor posted a sonogram picture of their yet unborn daughter. Mom and Dad are so excited about having a granddaughter that they are "goofy". The picture shows the baby is going to be as beautiful as her Momma. We can't wait for her to be born!!!!!!!!!
We are now in Abita Springs, Louisiana. We arrived here last Thursday, however we did encounter a problem after leaving South Carolina. While spending one night in Alabama on our way here, we suffered a power surge that "fried" both of the TVs. So for 6 days we were without TVs. Mom was suffering withdrawal not being able to see her favorite shows on the Food Channel. Yesterday we got the TVs replaced so Mom and Dad are happy campers again. While here, Mom and Dad have been able to spend time with their friends, Harold and Nina Denton. Sunday they met up with them at the Hollywood Casino for dinner and some entertainment. This evening Mom and Dad are going over to their home for more visiting.
Louisiana is an excited place right now, with the Saints in the NFL playoffs and the upcoming Mardi Gras celebrations. There are Saints and Mardi Gras signs and merchandise all over the place. Lenny and I are enjoying the warmer weather of Louisiana. We are able to be outside more and have met a couple of new friends, Mitzi and Sally. They are fun to play with.
Hay Pickup
So how far west are you guys coming, or is your Mom and Dad keeping you in dark?
We had a great time in both Mississpi and Louisiana. We where there for a few weeks, but when Dad saw Ida coming we ended up in Texas pretty darn fast.
Sure hoping we get to see you guys, still have not met Lenny. Plus I have not had a chance to mess up your new home.
Travel Safe (we are setting out to someplace in the new few days)
What a cute little girl. There is NOTHING like a granddaugher!
Sorry about the TV's. Did you have a surge protector?
Good day, sun shines!
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