Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving And Anniversaries

This upcoming week will be a busy one with Thanksgiving, two anniversaries and one birthday. The anniversaries start tomorrow which is the 4th anniversary of Mom and Dad adopting me into the family. While its only been 4 years, it feels longer than that because of all the traveling we have done and all the places we have been to. Wednesday is daughter-in-law Pat's birthday. This year we are spending Thanksgiving with Dave and Pat and all their dogs. Lenny and I will have a great time. Thursday, besides being Thanksgiving, is also Mom and Dad's 43rd anniversary.

We still do not know when we will be leaving South Carolina. There was a delay in scheduling Mom and Dad's annual doctors appointments so our departure is still up in the air. Of course, the delay does give Mom and Dad more time to see granddaughter Peanut.

We want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy all the turkey!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you Dave and Sammie. That is awesome! And happy anniversary to Lenny too. Happy birthday to Pat and most of all HAPPY THANKSGIVING.


Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to everyone, Mom and Dad will be in Las Vegas for thier 48th on January 26. We are off to see my sister Shari for Thanksgiving and back to sister Kris for Christmas.

Dad said he found a new turkey for Thanksgivings. But I am not to sure about it, I saw a few packages of turkey hotdog and a tooth picks in his shopping bag the other day. We will see.

Chloe, (Ron & Fran)